Rethinking Impostor Syndrome™
Understanding and Addressing Impostor Syndrome in the Workplace
Millions of people — CEOs and entry-level professionals, first-year college students and PhDs, attorneys, and engineers — secretly worry they’re not as smart or talented as other people “think” they are.
It's called the impostor syndrome and it impacts both individuals and their organizations.
Stress Buster Boot Camp™
Stop struggling with stress at work and accelerate your future!
You know that stress is the silent barrier to innovation and high performance. What are you doing about it? Have you measured and identified the root cause of stress in your organization?
Use our simple 3-step program to conquer stress at work:
Measure your stress at work: Identify the 7 core stressors at work
Identify your organization stress clusters
Implement corrective actions and accelerate your future
Diversity Power Lab™
Develop and retain your top female talent to close the diversity leadership gap faster and to keep sparking innovation.
This innovative long-term program combines thought provoking content, the best practices of executive coaching, facilitation, peer to peer support and action planning for results.
The program includes:
7 live virtual sessions of 120 minutes over a period of 6 months. Sessions are recorded so participants can listen at their convenience throughout the program.
Two or three Individual 45 min executive coaching sessions per participant
One cutting-edge leadership assessment per participant: behavior style and internal drivers
Smart Inclusive Leadership Camp™
Strategies and blueprints to shift your managers into a 21st-century leadership playbook so you can build a diverse, inclusive, and engaging culture that fuels business acceleration in the digital era.
Pick your format: workshops or long-term programs.
Inclusive leadership
Leading with emotional agility
Best practices for leading remote teams
Building your leadership coaching skills
Conflict management and difficult conversations
Resilience and more
Skyrocket Your Influence With Style™
While leadership is a lifelong learning journey, they are proven principles and strategies you can use now to connect to communicate, navigate conflicts, skyrocket your influence, increase your impact and catapult your success.
At the end of the program, your participants will:
Discover 7 reasons why influence matters
Learn 8 key principles of influence
Identify how they and others: respond to challenges, influence people, respond to changes and procedures
3 Keys to Future Proof Your Career
With the rise of disruptive technologies like AI and the acceleration of globalization, it is expected that the next decade would bring more changes than the past 50 years.
Personal branding is one of the secret weapons that will set top performers apart from the rest in this new world of work.
In this content rich workshop, you will discover:
Key future of work trends that are dramatically changing the workplace
3 keys to unlock your magnetic personal brand
7 characteristics of a strong personal brand and more
"Para Protección fue una gran experiencia trabajar con Cindy Montgenie, en la conferencia el Futuro del Trabajo y sus desafíos en la IV Revolución Industrial. El gran impacto que genera, la conexión con el público, el conocimiento y pasión que le imprime al tema, la manera en que logra ejemplificar los temas que son tendencia de una manera que sean cercanos y comprensibles para el público, hacen de Cindy una speaker integral."
Elena Perez
Proteccion, Colombia
"We invited Cindy as a panelist to a session that we had focused on how to address change in the workplace and the challenges and opportunities it brings. Her presentation was very relatable and focused on bringing solutions that attendees could implement to cope with difficult change situations. It was a wonderful event and we are looking to working with Cindy again soon!"
Patricia Pinies
“I had the pleasure of working with Cindy as a panelist for a workshop with Diageo and Ellevate Network. Cindy engaged our participants with relevant stories and advice that were relatable and also inspiring. She brings an elegance into the room and speaks with confidence that hooks you. We received many compliments on including her as a panelists and are looking forward to continuing our relationship with her and tapping into her expansive expertise.”
Pamela Penn
“Cindy’s presentations are characterized by her unique understanding and ability to easily communicate the number of rapid and large-scale changes that will affect all industries, and how to maximize them. She takes time to forge a meaningful connection with her audience. If you have an opportunity to hear Cindy Montgenie speak, grab it, you will be transformed, equipped, and re-ignited to take action”
Fearless Coaching Group